Are you able to sleep soundly until the next morning without being disturbed by the annoying sciatic nerve pain? Performing stretching exercises and using mild pain relievers as needed are the best approaches to handling the pain. Visit Chiropractic Center of Lakeland today to stay pain free! This causes swelling and inflammation of the nerve and surrounding tissue, which is not easily corrected. Nervewell supports nerve system.
Typically surgery is done so that the bone or cartilage which is compressing the Nerve Pain Treatment can be moved out of the way. TENS units are often used along with additional non-operative treatments such as Physical Therapy, Physiotherapy, Pain Management, Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, or Manipulation Under Anesthesia. Sciatic nerve pain does not have to rule your life. Symptoms like weakness and numbness are usually caused by the compression of the nerve and this may need surgical intervention to solve the problem. Diet and weight control - being overweight adds stress to your spine, so weight control is important. Nervewell supports nerve system.