What We Offer

Care Packages for the Homeless
Care Packages for the Homeless - Out of concern for those members of our community who may be living on the streets, we put together small bags of care items which can be carried in your car and distributed when you meet someone who needs a little help. We collect for the bags: small packets of tissues or handi-wipes, snack bars, hotel-sized shampoo or body soaps, new white socks, toothbrushes and sample-sized toothpaste, trial-sized lotion, individual cups of fruit, or other helpful items. Place your donations in the large basket at the back of the sanctuary, or designate a financial contribution to "WPC Care Packages for the Homeless." Feel free to take a few of the bags with you for use as needed. Contact Heather Nasi for more information

Prayer Shawls
Prayer Shawls - Our church's Board of Deacons shows their care for members and church friends who have experienced loss by creating soft and comforting shawls as gifts of compassion. If you are interested in donating fabric, helping make the shawls, or know of someone who might be blessed to receive a shawl, contact Heather Nasi or Nicole Jones, co-chairpersons of the Deacons.

New Teachers Gift Bag Collection
The Deacons are collecting items for the GMCS new teacher orientation in August.Place your items in the box marked for New Teacher Orientation. Items can include, Emergen-C, Hand Sanitizer, Snack Bars, Candy, Peanut Butter Crackers, Hand Lotion, Tissue Packs, Gum, Stick-um notes. Other items are okay too! Cash is welcome to purchase additional items. Home-made cookies will be solicited the week before Orientation. contact Heather Nasi for more information.